Sunday, 24 January 2010

Chapter 9 stitch experiments

These are the stitches I practised. Some are new to me, some variations on a well- loved stitch .

Straight line stitches - thorn, seed, ermine, star, sprat's head 

Looped stitches - cretan, detached wheatear, tete de boef, long-tailed daisy, crown, looped stem stitch, 

Knotted stitches - long-tailed french knot, portuguese knotted stem stitch, danish knot stitch

Composite stitches - sham hemstitch, raised chain band, whipped chain, torocko and a stitch I invented from seeing the back of bonnet stitch - two parallel lines of running stitch with   longer spaces between the stitches  than the stitch itself , then threading through making short and long zig zags.

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