Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Chapter 8 - Fabric Translations

1. top right - I made a background of cream cotton topped with fine nylon curtaining sewn  with fine twin needle tucks. The leaves were made from a cotton-look linen lightly quilted with disposable nappy liners with a feathery top stitch and satin stitched edges.  I used the nappy liner because I thought it might curl interestingly when I applied heat.  The sample didn't - it just went hard and flat - so I left well alone!

bottom right -  silk organza over cream cotton. The organza has fine corded tucks with a heavy silk thread. The sheer leaves from the organza lightly gathered and leaving the gathering ends - it's much softer and more fragile-looking than in the photo.

2. top right - I trapped layered shapes of heavy vilene between coarse light grey net. I put two layers on top to create more shadow.

bottom right - I used a permanently creased shiny white polyester curtaining with very thick polyester wadding and used heavy machining to create the shadows.  There is actually quite high relief which looks a lot flatter in the photo.

3. top right - I used three layers of creamy organza - the bottom is heavily corded with 4mm twin needles and a thick wool yarn, middle with uncorded fin tucking and top just stitched.

bottom right - the creased curtaining again tucked every which way.

4. top right - grey net stitched all over with lines and tiny circles to give slight gathering and create shadows. the old man's beard with finely split wadding gathered on to a thread or a fluffy yarn.

bottom right - background silk stitched with an automatic spiral pattern bent round to create high spots and low spots. Heavy vilene cut into feathered shapes and held under tulle with long stitches holding the vilene in place.

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