Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Assessment piece

The media cottage panel is finally finished.  The first picture shows the panel as an accordion book.  It is tied with handmade cords finished with tiny books about the occupants of each cottage.  I'm not quite sure if the hanging basket is a cheeky finish or gilding the lily.

The media cottage book.

The media cottages as a panel.  

No. 1 is the radio house with photo roof. The occupants are keen formal gardeners and have a very ordered life, though they sometimes annoy the neighbours when they play loud  music on the radio when gardening.

At No. 2 are the intellectuals in the book house with newspaper roof. Their garden is allowed to flourish more naturally. though well-kept. They are quiet and self-contained and never annoy the neighbours or complain of others.

The people in No. 3 live in the TV house with video roof. They have a huge collection of videos and a very large television set.  They have no time for gardening, though the previous occupants left them a lovely garden which is now going to rack and ruin. The grass is overgrown at the back and strewn with coke cans.  The place needs a little TLC and DIY.

Each front garden has wrought iron gates in the shape of ornamental capital F's 

The Media cottages back view. 

Design time 47 hours

Stitching time 72 hours

Approx cost £7.50

Evaluation: The piece works very well as a panel and would be good mounted as a sandwich in a clear mount so both back and front views can easily be seen.  As a book structure it has a slight weakness where the houses and gardens join. If I was starting again, I would strengthen this area.


Meg said...

Hazel, I love your panel. What a great idea. I think the hanging basket is a lovely finishing touch!

ferinn said...

These are so quirky and incorporate so many techniques.How do you get so much done?Hope you are keeping warm,even we have heavvy snow here in Bristol.