The small black design samples. 1a to e were made using words from the given list and 2a to e using words from my own research list.
These are the small reworkings in colour of some of the black and white samples. I have added some preliminary thoughts about how they can be translated with fabric and thread. Number 3 is computer generated using 1b as the starting off point with the ideas of the sediment plume, the double track of twin nets and the scarring of the sea-bed.
Not keen on no. 6
No. 5 has the idea of escape/flight from the horror - but I think it needs more thought.
No.4 is not as elegant as the black and white version - less middle I think.
No. 3 I like very much - but think it might be much clumsier translated
No. 2 is a regular pattern based on the before and after trawling sea bed - could be much more interesting in fabric with related but different before diamonds.
No. 1 I think this is my favourite for mood - but think I would eliminate the sky area and have the bold shapes defining the top edge. Could have great fun with the contents of the net!
Is there any stopping you? You've done lots since I last looked.I like the boiling ,swirling shapes in 1 and the diagonals in 2 and 3Could you combine some of these to create your design?
I can't believe how much you have done! Your designs are great.
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