Saturday, 5 September 2009

Chapter 4 Stitched samples

The following post had all the explanations on before publishing - but they seem to have disappeared!

Here are the legends:

Left to right

I seamed 4 fabrics, spiral-couched cords on the intersections and tried a different spiral in each section

Couched yarns in spirals on a dip-dyed fabric

I seamed 4 fabrics again and added part spirals in a couched variegated yarn in a spiral fashion

Random stitched spirals on dip-dyed muslin

I seamed strips of over-dyed commercial fabric and couched spirals made of knitting ribbon threaded with variegated yarn.

This was a piece of monoprinted silk, stitched with running stitch when I then pulled up in various ways to texture the surface.

This one actually has a free- machined base on mono-printed fabric.  The spirals are threaded ribbon, slubby yarn and dyed tissue to give depth to the spiral, embellished with a few beads.

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