Friday, 18 December 2009

plodding on with assessment piece - the media cottages

a.The house and roof is made from fabric paper. I printed pictures and made the paper on muslin coated with diluted PVA. Then cut out bricks and tiles and assembled on handmade paper.

The result - though very cute - did not lend itself to stitchery - it just broke apart with a needle big enough to penetrate the sandwich. I had to think of another way round.

1. This is middle sandwich of the book/panel. It is scrim with pulled threads and two cords stitched to provide the robust decorative joins to enable the pages to fold.

3. This is the front of the middle house. The assembled house and roof was photographed and printed on to ordinary paper which I then crumpled and smoothed many times so that it became fabric-like and added a lot of texture to the images. The house walls are of books and the roof of newspapers.  The garden has a path and a pond and the gates at the bottom are wired cord shaped as a double ornamental capital F.

These are  the three front views, but only the middle is stitched so far. Just to show how they will eventually work as a panel.


Anne B said...

I like the way the cottages are different yet coordinate with each other - also the strong verticals. Keep going! Hope you have a lovely Christmas Hazel. X

ferinn said...

You've really made progress.I love the gardens can't wait to see the finished article.Have a good Christmas.Will you be at Summer school?I got the last room last week can't believe it I didn't book until much later last year!

Hazel said...

HI ferinn.
thanks for comments - I have booked and got a place - looking forward to seeing you there.