The pocket is finished at last. The belt is made from covered washers with alternate embellished felt ovals with a glittery cord spiral held in a plastic pocket. It is fastened with composite beads on the glittery cord which is threaded through the final two washers. The washers are joined with heavy cord spaced to receive the felt ovals. The ovals bear no weight which is carried by the joined washers.
The top pocket front is made from several layers of machine embroidered monoprints and edged with dyed fleece couched hard to make a softer edge. the base of the pocket is made from corded silky yarn stitched in a spiral around the central motif which echoes the bottom pocket.
The bottom pocket has a base of a monoprint and the top is made from tiny machine-made cords
which are stitched together on a firm base. it is edged with fleece as the top pocket but more finely. The outside edge is a continuous spiral around both pockets.
Design time - 27 hours
Completion time - 38 hours
Is it fit for it's purpose? It sits well around the waist and does not feel too heavy. The top pocket can hold small items like lipstick, keys etc - though not in a crowded place as it would be easy to pick this pocket! The bottom pocket would hold a handkerchief or tissues. I feel it is a decorative piece rather than a very practical one though. I'd wear it to the opera but not to the supermarket.
If I was making it again I would make the outside trim a little more even as it gets bigger - it bulges a little more on one side than the other. I also would consider making the opening of the top pocket off centre towards the top so that there was more 'pocket'.
I am pleased with it overall and find the colours and variation in texture very attractive.